Nicholson serves up some of the usual depressing stats:
Black unemployment, at nearly 11 percent, according to the National Urban League report "The State of Black America 2005," is virtually unchanged. Black men earn about 70 percent of what white men earn, up a mere 3 percent. Sixty-eight percent of black children are born out of wedlock, compared to about 70 percent a decade ago.Not mentioned, but always in the background, is the fact that something like 2/3 of all men in prison are black, compared with just under 10 percent of white men (source: Bureau of Justice Statistics).
So, yes, we've not made any significant progress. By all means, let's have another pathetic romp on the National Mall this weekend. And, by all means, let's allow ourselves to be led by one who commands the utmost in respect and shows the world his dignity of person: Louis ("it's the Jooos") Farrakhan.
Freakycan is no joke. He's not an idiot. What he is, is a white-hating, Cahtolic-hating, anti-Semite. Any good parts of his message are incidental to his evil message of hatred and division. Jesse Jackson and that moron from my home town are jokes. Not entirely harmless, to be sure. But they've become jokes. Freakycan is not a joke.
Blacks who follow this hatemonger, even though he also preaches a message of self-reliance, are going down a darkened alley, separating themselves from civilization.
Enjoy the trip, and write if you get work.
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