In a long-term review of the SRX, the tale is of a car that decided it wasn't going to put up with this stopping and then actually starting again. This after not much more than 4K miles on the odometer.
Three thoughts on reading this review. The first is that C&D writers are so enamored with cars that they are blind to what should be considered a fatal flaw in the design. The second is that it is no wonder why the Big-3 Detroit automakers are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy, serving up such mediocrity. Expensive mediocrity.
The last thought is that it is a wonder, indeed, why anyone would want to buy a Cadillac, given that for $60K you could buy a luxury car (or two) that actually went. Without having to disconnect and reconnect the battery.
Of course, you wouldn't have that wonderful prestige of owning a POS hunk of Detroit iron from the doddering General.
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